Saxe PTC By-Laws


As adopted September 26, 1963 and revised May 12, 1971, January 1980, February 1983, March 1986, June 1988, March 1989, February 1996, February 1999, June 2000, January 2001, June 2006, October 2009, June 2010 and October 2013.





The name of this association shall be the Saxe Parent Teacher Council herein referred to as the PTC. 


The objectives of the PTC shall be to create and maintain an active working relationship among parents, teachers and the administration so that each may contribute effectively to the education and welfare of the children; to keep parents informed of the programs and policies of the school; to promote a continuing exchange of ideas and information among parents, teachers, the administration and the community; and to raise funds to enhance the educational goals of the school. 


Section 1.The PTC shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian and politically non-partisan. 

Section 2.The name of the PTC or the names of any of its members in their official capacities shall not be used in any political or commercial enterprise. At no time shall any meeting of the PTC be used as a political forum. 

Section 3.Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, the PTC is organized exclusively for one or more of the purposes as specified in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from Federal Income Tax under IRC Section 501(c)(3). 

Section 4.No part of the net earnings of the PTC shall inure to the benefit of any member,trustee, director, officer of the PTC, or any private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the PTC), and no member,trustee, director or officer of the PTC or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the PTC’s assets on dissolution of the PTC. 

Section 5.No substantial part of the activities of the PTC shall be carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation (except as otherwise provided by IRC Section 501(h)) or participating in, or intervening in (including thepublication or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidates for public office. 

Section 6.In the event of dissolution, all of the remaining assets and property of the PTC shall,after payment of necessary expenses, thereof be distributed to such organizations as shall qualify under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or corresponding provisions of any subsequent federal tax laws, or to the federal government or state or local government for a public purpose, subject to the approval of a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Connecticut. 

Section 7.Written notice to the general PTC membership shall be accomplished by paper distribution, electronic email communication and/or inclusion in the PTC’s website. 



Section 1.All parents or guardians of the students of the school and all members of the faculty, administration and staff of the school shall be eligible for membership. 

Section 2.Dues shall be payable annually in an amount to be determined annually by the Executive Board of the PTC. Members of the faculty, administration and staff of the school shall be exempt from all dues. 

Section 3.The voting membership shall consist of those members who have paid their dues. Members may become voting members at any time in the course of the year upon payment of dues. Each parent in a member family is entitled to one vote. Members of the faculty, administration and staff of the school shall automatically be voting members. 


Section 1.PTC meetings shall be held a minimum of four times during the school year, one of which shall be designated the annual meeting for purposes of the annual election of the Executive Board of the PTC. The annual meeting shall be held no later than April of the year preceding that in which such Executive Board shall take office. 

Section 2.PTC meetings may be cancelled at the discretion of the Executive Board. PTC meetings may be called or rescheduled by the Executive Board with no less than three days’ notice to the membership, except when otherwise necessary due to inclement weather. 

Section 3.Any twenty members of the PTC may, by written petition, require the Executive Board to call a special meeting. For the transaction of business at any special meeting of the PTC, twenty members shall constitute a quorum. A simple majority shall determine the outcome of the vote. 

Section 4.Ten members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the PTC, excluding a special meeting called pursuant to Section 3. above. A simple majority shall determine the outcome of the vote, except for a two-thirds majority shall be required to amend these bylaws as set forth in ARTICLE XI below.



Section 1.The officers of the PTC shall be: 

a. President or Co-Presidents 

b. Vice President(s) Ways and Means 

c. Vice President(s) Programs 

d. Vice President(s) Hospitality 

e. Vice President Communications

f. Secretary 

g. Treasurer or Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer 


Section 2.The office of the President may be shared by two people, in which case each shall bedesignated a Co-President and shall serve for a term of two years commencing June1st. The terms of Co- Presidents shall commence on alternate years. Co-Presidents shall divide the duties of the President between them at their discretion. 

Section 3.Except as provided below or in Section 2, officers shall serve for a term of one year commencing June 30th. Transition with the outgoing officers shall occur prior to that time. Outgoing officers are responsible for confirming any returning Chair positions and incoming officers are then responsible for recruiting new Chairs for their respective areas. An Assistant Treasurer shall serve for a term of two years, and shall hold the office of Treasurer during the second year of the term of office. 

Section 4.An officer shall not be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office or hold more than one office at a time. 

Section 5.A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a majority vote of the Executive Board. 

Section 6.Duties of officers shall include assisting the President(s) and performing such duties as requested by the President(s). Officers shall maintain records that will be provided to the President(s) upon request and transferred to the new officers at the end of the officer’s term. Officers shall attend all meetings of the PTC and the Executive Board or shall notify the President(s) in advance if they are unable to attend. 


a.The President(s) shall preside at all meetings of the PTC and the ExecutiveBoard, coordinate the work of the officers and committees, and attend all PTC/Parent Faculty Association (“PFA”) Presidents meetings. The President(s) shall ensure that Robert’s Rules of Order are followed for PTC decision-making. The President(s) shall oversee all PTC communications and publicity.The President(s) shall maintain the PTC bylaws. In the event of the absence orinability of the President(s) to perform, the Vice Presidents(s) Ways and Means shall perform the duties of the President(s), as appropriate. 

b.The Vice President(s) Ways and Means shall act as aides to the President(s) and shall oversee all fund-raising activities of the PTC. 

c.The Vice President(s) Programs shall act as aides to the President(s) and shall oversee the programs sponsored by the PTC. 

d.The Vice President(s) Hospitality shall act as aides to the Presidents(s) and shall be responsible for all school community, spirit and social activities sponsored by the PTC. 

e.The Vice President Communications shall act as an aide to the Presidents(s) and shall oversee the PTC communications including the website, newsletters, emails, and publicity. 

f.The Secretary shall act an aide to the President(s) and shall record minutes at the PTC Executive Board and general meetings and handle correspondence generated by the PTC. 

g.The Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer shall act as aides to the President(s),receive all monies, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, pay outfunds, sign checks, prepare and present a budget for Executive Board andgeneral membership approval no later than the first general meeting inSeptember, present a financial update at each Executive Board meeting, make a full report and present the annual grant proposal and summer spending amount(if applicable) to be approved by the general PTC membership at the May general PTC meeting, and file the appropriate tax forms. The fiscal year shall be August 1 to July 30. 




Section 1.The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers of the 

PTC and the school Principal. The PTC President(s) shall be the Chairmen of the Board. 

Section 2.The Executive Board shall conduct the business of the PTC subject to the provisions of the bylaws of the PTC. 

Section 3.The Executive Board shall transact necessary business between general PTCmeetings. The Executive Board shall review any transactions with individuals or entities that could create a potential conflict of interest. 

Section 4.Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held monthly during the school year. For voting purposes, each individual in office shall constitute one vote regardless of how many individuals share the office. For the transaction of business at any regular or special meeting of the Executive Board, six officers shall constitutea quorum. A simple majority shall constitute the outcome of the vote. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President(s) or by a majorityof the Executive Board. 

Section 5. The executive board will be authorized to approve any/all grants.  Presidents will have joint discretion on expenses under $500 without the approval of the board.




Section 1.The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board no later thanDecember 31st. The Nominating Committee Chair(s) shall be the President(s). 

Section 2.The Nominating Committee shall be made up of at least one representative from eachgrade and from each elementary school district and the President(s). If the Executive Board contains a Co-Presidency, both Co-Presidents may serve on the Nominating Committee. 

Section 3.The Nominating Committee shall solicit nominations from the general membership by means of distributing a request for nominations no later than January 31st. Once a person’s name has been placed in nomination, that person’s name may be resubmitted for any other position on the Executive Board during the nomination period. 

Section 4. The general membership of the PTC shall be provided notice of the slate at least two weeks’ prior to the annual meeting at which a vote on such slate will takeplace. 

Section 5.Elections shall be held at the annual meeting held no later than April. 

Section 6.A candidate shall be elected when he or she receives a majority vote of those present and voting. 




Committee Chairs, with the exception of the Nominating Committee Chair, shall be appointed annually by the Nominating Committee and/or the member of the Executive Board to whom such Committee Chair shall report, and shall report directly to their Executive Board member contact as assigned. All Committee Chairs shall maintain thorough records of their office, be responsible for providing such records to their Executive Board member contact at the end of their term, and communicate their committee’s activities, as appropriate. 




Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern deliberations of the PTC in all cases where they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws. 




These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the PTC by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting provided notice is given at least one week prior to that meeting. The bylaws should be reviewed annually by a subcommittee of the Executive Board to be appointed by the President(s), and amended as needed.